Automated Software Testing

Automation testing is essential for ensuring software quality and meeting user expectations and project needs. At QAsssert, we strive to offer diverse QA services to help clients achieve high-quality standards and expedite software release timelines. With our broad expertise across industries like Healthcare, FinTech, Real Estate, Cybersecurity, Retail, and AdTech, we promote an integrated approach to QA, implementing best practices to ensure seamless operation of complex software solutions.

Benefits of Adopting Automated Software Testing

Reduced Time to Market

Automation testing significantly accelerates the testing process, thanks to well-chosen testing tools, reusable scripts, autonomous test execution, and effective bug detection. This efficiency enables faster product delivery to end-users.

Preventing Human Errors

Automated tests follow predetermined scenarios meticulously, ensuring nothing is overlooked, forgotten, misinterpreted, or missed. Manual testing often leads to human errors of this nature, but automation testing effectively mitigates such risks, consistently delivering reliable results.

Enhanced Test Span

Automation testing expands test coverage by facilitating the execution of a broader range of tests. This includes regression testing, GUI testing, API testing, and performance testing, all within specified timeframes. Needless to say, increased test coverage directly correlates with improved product quality, our ultimate objective.

What we offer

we provide comprehensive QA support across every stage of your project's journey. Our aim is to help you successfully launch an exceptional product while overseeing every aspect of its quality. With our extensive range of automation testing services, we play a crucial role in ensuring the delivery of a top-notch digital product.

QAssert has an outstanding track record of providing test automation services to clients in the Retail & E-Commerce, Banking and Financial services, Telecom, Education, Insurance, Pharma, Healthcare, Transportation and Logistics, and other sectors. QAssert has expert and certified testers on staff.
QAssert uses established industry testing methods, tools, pre-built test accelerators, and techniques while adhering to a structured and methodical approach to automation testing.

At QAssert, we closely collaborate with our international clients to comprehend their unique automation needs and requirements. We will offer a thorough automation test solution that integrates with well-known CI tools like Jenkins, TFS, Bambo, and others based on the specific requirements of the client.

QAssert Differentiators

  • Faster time to market: You can achieve more frequent and quicker releases by reducing the overall regression testing cycle time in test environments like SIT,UAT, and Staging by up to 80%.
  • Better Resource Utilization: Automated tests free up the testing team’s time, allowing them to test business workflows from beginning to end as well as conduct exploratory testing.
  • Cross-platform testing ensures seamless operation for all users across a variety of operating systems, android and iOS devices, and browsers
  • Quicker releases, shorter time to market, and less testing overall are all made possible by our clients using QAssert’s disciplined test automation strategy and process.
  • Effort across the lifecycle that yields a high rate of return on investment (ROI)
  • Extremely scalable and require little maintenance for regression test scripts

Test automation services support

Web applications

A Web application is an application programme that is supplied via the Internet via a browser interface and is kept on a remote server.

Mobile apps

A software programme created expressly for use on portable computing devices like smartphones and tablets is known as a mobile app.

API/Web services

Application Programming Interface, or API, is a software bridge that enables communication between two applications.

Desktop (.Net, Java etc.)

A programming language is a notational scheme used to create computer programmes. While they occasionally include graphics.

ERP (SAP, Oracle EBS, Microsoft Dynamics, etc.)

Accounting and resource management are two crucial aspects of operations that are managed by enterprise resource planning (ERP) software.

CRM Applications

A tool known as customer relationship management (CRM) is used to handle all interactions and relationships between your business and its clients.

DWH/BI applications

A particular form of data management system called a "data warehouse" is intended to facilitate and support business intelligence (BI) activities, particularly analytics.

Automation Tools